Work Packages

The TIPPECC project is organized into five work packages (WPs) that will closely work together to achieve the project objectives.
WP 1
... Regional projections of future climate change
This WP will set the data foundation that is needed to derive the climate indicators for the analysis of climate impacts (WP2), regional tipping points (WP4) and the web-portal based climate services (WP3).
WP 2
... Synthesis of comprehensive information on climate change impacts
This WP will develop a range of indicators of climate change impacts across the sectors of water, agriculture and biodiversity that will be used to inform engagements with various actors to co-develop appropriate adaptation actions.
WP 3
... Climate Services Gateway through co-production
The objective of this WP is the development of a web-based Climate Service Gateway with and for scientists and stakeholders, which will serve as a platform for easy access to projections of regional climate change and climate impact indicators related to water and food security and biodiversity conservation.
WP 4
... Regional Tipping Points and co-development of adaptation options
The WP will analyse regional tipping points in the southern African region towards the provision of climate services such as informing adaptation actions and policy. This will be done through a series of engagements with various actors within case studies to co-develop appropriate adaptation actions.
WP 5
... Stakeholder engagements (continuos participatory co-production)
This WP will ensure that the project is co-produced with stakeholders and that the project activities are aligned with the needs of the stakeholders.